Following the excellent webinar where all the papers were fascinating and of a very high standard, we are delighted to announce the Prizewinners:
- Best basic science: Dr Myles Keener
- Best clinical science: Dr Eric Schmidt
- President’s Prize: Dr Maria Garcia-Bonilla
Dr Myles Keener, best basic science prizewinner
“I am fortunate to be a member of the Pediatric Neurosurgical laboratory at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital under the mentorship of Dr. Francesco Mangano and Dr. June Goto. My profound interest in translational research and neuroscience has aligned well with our lab’s overarching goal of developing therapies for treating congenital hydrocephalus. My creative and problem-solving mindset allows me to continuously search for new answers, with the ultimate impact of bettering future patient outcomes. I am honored to have won the basic science prize at the annual conference as it reflects the work ethic I have put into this project. Through every setback, I became more determined to find solutions. Ultimately, my mentors deserve this award just as much as I do because without their guidance, I would not have the skills or the drive to be a successful researcher. I finally want to thank the SRHSB and the Waite Hydrocephalus Student Bursary for the opportunity and funding to complete this project this previous summer.”

Dr Eric Schmidt, best clinical science prizewinner
“I am a neurosurgeon who trained in Toulouse, Caen and Cambridge UK. In collaboration with colleagues in Cambridge, Iowa and Toulouse, I provided the evidence for a novel physiological ICP-mediated sympathetic modulation circuit and the existence of an intracranial (i.e., central) baroreflex. I am based in Toulouse and coordinate a research programme focussed on acquiring biomechanical insight into how structural ageing of the nervous system affects brain cells and their functions in the context of age-related and neurodegenerative diseases with a particular interest in normal pressure hydrocephalus and related intracranial dynamics. Through international collaborations, our research project relies on an original interdisciplinary approach to brain aging combining mechanical and clinical approaches. We are exploring novel diagnostic and therapeutic technology with the aim of personalizing treatment in the frail elderly.”

Dr Maria Garcia-Bonilla, President’s prizewinner
“Life is full of opportunities that can lead to great experiences. One of the best opportunities has been to become a Ph.D. in Dr. Jimenez’s lab (University of Malaga, Spain) focused on developing a new treatment with stem cells. Now, as a postdoctoral fellow at Dr. Limbrick and McAllister’s lab (Washington University in St Louis, US), in my commitment to neuroscience research, I have not hesitated to accept the opportunity of uncovering new research directions into the pathophysiology of hydrocephalus regarding pharmacological targets, evaluation of current treatments and improvement of diagnosis/prognosis.
I am grateful for being recognized with this award, but I cannot emphasize enough that I would achieve nothing without my best team and the support of the SRHSB. Sharing our work and meeting the families in the annual meetings have become a big motivation that pushes me to be a better researcher.“