This 58th international annual conference (25-28 June 2014) was held at the the kind invitation of the University Children’s Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden. Thanks to all that attended.

The international meeting promotes discussion, networking and debate on hydrocephalus and spina bifida related research papers and posters.

The 58th Annual Meeting of the Society for Research into Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida will be held in Uppsala, Sweden, at the invitation of Uppsala University (MIC-aulan, Polacksbacken).

Members of the local organizing committee:

The local organising committee is headed by Dr Margareta Dahl (SRHSB President),  Kerstin Blom (secretary), Margareta Strinnholm (psychologist, spina bifida-team),  Ingela Kristiansen (Pediatric neurologist), Ann Butler

(special teacher, spina bifida tema), Kai Arnell (Retired, Pediatric Surgeon), Marie Sandström (physiotherapist, Spina bifida-team), Eva Stagling (Nurse, Spina bifida team) and Gunnar Ahlsten (paediatric neurologist-my chief).