New members are always welcome! Here are just a few reasons to join!
To encourage international collaboration
To share thoughts and encourage effective research; to eliminate local data bias; to foster life-long friendships. Often our society’s gatherings are thought of a place where a family of scientists can openly share their ideas in
To gain a wider knowledge of Hydrocephalus
and Spina Bifida

CME credits available at most meetings; education in new clinical and scientific techniques and protocols. We promote communication and collaboration in all systems in the body that are influenced by spina bifida and hydrocephalus
To get involved as a new or experienced scientist
Get involved via opportunities to influence the society; via grants and awards
By paying now, you receive instant access to all conference proceedings & photos, lower conference registration fees, and the ability to apply for grants & awards.
Notification to renew membership will occur via email when current subscriptions expire.
All payments are paid securely through PayPal.
Recurring Membership to SRHSB (payment once a year)
One-Year Membership to SRHSB
Members login
Once logged in, you can register for a conference at the reduced member registration rate, view past conferences galleries and proceedings, email colleagues, and more.
Membership will not be granted until we have confirmed payment of your yearly membership dues.
Member logins are tied to yearly subscriptions. You will receive yearly prompts to renew your membership if it has expired.