To foster knowledge, understanding and research into prevention, treatment and management of all aspects of hydrocephalus and spina bifida.
Benefits of membership
Encourage international collaboration, gain a wider knowledge of Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida and get involved as a new or experienced scientist by becoming a member!
SRHSB Columbus (Ohio, USA) 2025 Conference
Save the Date for SRHSB 2025! August 6th-8th 2025.
On behalf of the local Organising Committee, we are pleased to announce that the next SRHSB Annual Conference Meeting is to be held at the Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus Ohio, USA, on August 6th-8th 2025. Some initial conference details are available here.
We are developing an exciting provisional program, which national and international keynote speakers presenting talks covering a wide range of topics related hydrocephalus, spina bifida, neural tube defects, cerebrospinal fluid dynamics. Please see details here.
Details of registration will be posted soon on the SRHSB website, along with registration links to enable payment of conference registration fees. Please note that this fee will not include accommodation costs. Further details of proposed accommodation and conference arrangements are provided here.
Abstract submission is now open with a submission deadline of Monday, March 31st 2025.
We welcome abstracts in the fields of hydrocephalus, spina bifida, neural tube defects and cerebrospinal fluid pathways.
We have a variety of Awards and Prizes available. Awards and prizes are available with a submission deadline of Monday, March 31st 2025.
We look forward to warmly welcoming you to Columbus in 2025!

The Waite Hydrocephalus Research Student Bursary
Through the generosity and support of the Waite family to SRHSB, the Waite Hydrocephalus Research Student Bursary 2025 will offer support to students undertaking research projects in the areas of hydrocephalus and/or spina bifida, expected to be conducted over the summer vacation period.

SRHSB/Integra Graduate Travelling Fellowship Program
Through the generosity of an Integra Educational grant, this SRHSB/Integra Program will support travelling fellowships for young graduate scientists, both basic and clinical, to visit international centres of research excellence in the broad field of CSF function, hydrocephalus, and neural tube defects.

Harry’s Hydrocephalus Awareness Trust Student Research Bursary

The Norman Guthkelch Award
The Norman Guthkelch Award is an award of £1500 GBP to be received by a student in training or an early career investigator who is conducting research in the area of hydrocephalus and neural tube defects including spina bifida.

The Casey Holter Lectureship and Essay Prize
The Casey Holter Lectureship is offered to a person of international eminence in a field of relevance to hydrocephalus or spina bifida to deliver a special lecture.

Become a sponsor
The Society for Research into Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida (SRHSB) was founded in 1956 by a group of physicians and surgeons interested in developing treatments for the conditions. You can support us by making a donation.