The 54th Annual Meeting (7th-10th July 2010) of the Society for Research into Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida was held at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada at the invitation of the local organizing committee.

Members of the local organizing committee:

Bill Arnold, Doug Cochrane, Paul Thiessen, Judi Haddy, Nicola Valentine, Bev Irwin and Carol King.

Scientific Programme Overview

The scientific programme was opened on Thursday Morning by a welcome from Dr. Ross MacGillivray, Vice-Dean of Medicine, University of British Columbia, and included sessions on ‘Hydrocephalus’ (Two Sessions), ‘Urological Problems and Spina Bifida, ‘Myelomenigocele: Management and Genetics’, ‘Spina Bifida: Sociological Issues’, ‘Choroid Plexus and Molecular Biology’, ‘Shunts and Infections’. This year we were pleased to have three excellent Invited Lectures, from Dr. Benjamin Warf (Bost Childrens Hospital, MA, USA), entitled ‘Endoscopic Management of Children with Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida in East Africa’, from Professor Rima Rozen (McGill University, Montreal, Canada), entitled ‘Biochemistry and Genetics of folate Metabolism’ and from Dr. Margot Van Allen (Department of Medical Genetics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada) entitled ‘Prenatal diagnosis and Folic Acid in the Detection and Prevention of Neural Tube Defects’.